Thursday, April 11, 2013


I have never used anything like these websites before so I felt very out of my comfort zone when I first started experimenting with them. The two I tried were Prezi and Weebly which are both very new to me. Both are very interesting sites with a great deal of cool tools that people can use in order to create presentations but I had not a clue as to what I was doing. I wasn’t a fan of how all our projects and what not would be made public. I decided to go with Prezi just because I had seen it used before and it really can create some great projects but it took me quite a while to figure out what to do. I decided not to use Weebly or some of the other sites because it was more like creating a website and I feel more comfortable with Powerpoints or anything along the lines of that.
I believe I am either going to stick with Prezi and just watch a lot of tutorials to attempt to figure it out or just go the old fashioned route and use Powerpoint to create my presentation. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The concept of plagiarism has changed so much now that the internet is so readily available to anyone and everyone. An excellent point was made in the first article that because libraries aren't used as much anymore, the idea of physically holding another person's piece of work has greatly diminished.
“Because you’re not walking into a library, you’re not physically holding the article, which takes you closer to ‘this doesn’t belong to me,’ ” she said. Online, “everything can belong to you really easily.” (Ms. Brookover)
It has become so hard to discern what should be cited and what shouldn't now because this information is so available to us. The most difficult thing to deal with when writing is a paper is being sure to cite information even if you may think that the information that you have found would be considered common sense. If you took it from someone then it has to be cited no matter what it is.